Good Day SMS, Good Day Wishes

Every ONE wants happiness,
No ONE needs pain,
But its not possible to get a rainbow,
Without a little rain.
Have a Nice Day

My wishes will always be with you,
Morning wish to make you feel fresh,
Afternoon wish to accompany you,
Evening wish to refresh you,
Night wish to comfort you with sleep,
Have A Nice Day !

Never Try to Go Back And Repair The Past,
That Is Impossible,
But Be Prepared To Construct The Future
Which Is Predictable. . .
Have A Nice Day.

Life dose not provide Warranties and Guarantees.
It only provides Possibilities and Opportunities,
Don`t miss them, Make BEST of it.
Have A Nice Day.

Success is not the key to happiness
Happiness is the key to success.
If yo love what you are doing,
you will be successful".
Have a Nice day..

If God answers your Prayer,
he is increasing your Faith.
If He delays, He’s increasing your Patience.
If He does not answer, He knows you can handle it…!
Have a Nice Day

Smile is the Electricity and
Life is a Battery whenever
you Smile the Battery gets Charges and
A beautiful day is Activated So keep Smiling …..
Have a Nice Day.

In Life
Failure is not
The Real End,
It Can Be the Real
Beginning of Success”
Have a Nice Day

Confidence comes naturally with Success,
But Success comes only to those,
who are Confident So,
Begin your day with great confidence.

Never blame a day in your life.
Good Days Give you happiness.
Bad days give you Experience.
Both are essential in life!
All are Gods blessings!
Have a nice day.

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